
The science behind the health-boost is that fresh ginger is a rich source of several essential nutrients including vitamin C, magnesium, manganese (not a typo), and potassium. It also contains dietary fiber and small amounts of protein and fat. In addition, ginger contains bioactive compounds such as gingerols, shogaols, and zingerones, which have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties. These compounds are responsible for many of the medicinal benefits associated with ginger.

Most of the nutrients are concentrated in the skin to protect the root from rot and disease. That's why we feel so strongly about keeping our ginger spray-free, as sprays also coat and absorb into the skin where all the gingerols are.

Order Fresh Ginger

Health Benefits

Anti-Inflammatory Properties

The compounds gingerols and shogaols found in ginger have been shown to have potent anti-inflammatory effects. Vitamin C, magnesium, and manganese are all important nutrients that help to support a healthy inflammatory response in the body. By providing these nutrients, ginger can help to reduce pain and swelling associated with inflammatory conditions such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Digestive Health

Ginger contains dietary fiber, which helps to promote regular bowel movements and maintain a healthy digestive system. In addition, gingerols and shogaols found in ginger can help to reduce gastrointestinal irritation and inflammation, while potassium helps to regulate fluid balance and prevent constipation.

Immune System Support

Ginger's antioxidant properties, which are attributed to its compounds such as gingerols, shogaols, and zingerones, can help to protect against various diseases by reducing oxidative stress and inflammation in the body. Vitamin C, another powerful antioxidant found in ginger, is essential for immune system function and can help to strengthen the body's defenses against infection.

Respiratory Health

Ginger's ability to soothe respiratory symptoms such as coughing and wheezing is due to its ability to relax the muscles in the respiratory system and reduce inflammation. Magnesium, which is found in ginger, is an important nutrient for maintaining healthy lung function and reducing inflammation in the airways.

Ready to boost your immunity?

Take the next step to living with heightened immunity and order spray-free ginger today!